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Allstore Self Storage Bellville

The process to lease a unit at this property is as follows:


1. View the unit by arranging with Ganeef Schaffers from Propactive: or 079 096 3668


2. If satisfied, complete the lease agreement in full with Prop and present relevant FICA



3. Debit order to be completed.


4. Invoice is issued for payment prior to occupation being taken.


5. Proof of payment is provided for occupation to take place.


6. Occupation takes place.

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Application Form


Deposit (One Month's Rent)

R1 000

Rent per month - in advance (Debit Order)

R1 000

Admin - Once off


Pro-Rate (on request if applicable)



R2 150


All amounts quoted are VAT inclusive for the purposes of this quote


Deposit (One Month's Rent)

R1 600

Rent per month - in advance (Debit Order)

R1 600

Admin - Once off


Pro-Rate (on request if applicable)



R3 350


All amounts quoted are VAT inclusive for the purposes of this quote.

Thanks for applying. We will contact you shortly.

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